Monday, 5 February 2018

What am I doing in Venezia?

I'm taking a three week solo trip to Denmark and Northern Italia this June. It will be early Summer up there, and therefore not too touristy, compared to July or August. I've built the trip around Venice. Why am I doing this? Do I need a reason? Well, yes ...

As it happens, there is an exceptionally rare academic conference being conducted in Venice this year that is 'bang-on' my research interests, hosted by England's Warwick University, with key academic experts relevant to my area of specialisation. It's a very niche topic, and I've never seen any conference with this focus happening anywhere else, and I doubt I'll see it again for at least seven years. My PhD Supervisors tend to agree, as does everyone who looks at the conference theme, explanatory blurb and agenda. So, I must attend. It's being held at the 'Palazzo Pesaro-Papafaro' - a gothic architectural delight, on the water's edge. I've checked out all the online images and it looks very special as a host venue.

I've registered for the conference attendance component, and am currently waiting to learn if they've accepted my proposed paper, which is directly relevant to my PhD research on 19th Century Ballarat in Victoria, Australia.  They invited me to submit, and I'd discussed my preliminary ideas with the administrator, so I think I stand a reasonable chance of acceptance, but if not, well, hey, I'll just listen and learn. That said, I would like to present, as I'm possibly the only Australian delegate there, or if I'm not, I'll certainly be in the minority. It's such a unique opportunity, all related to professional academic development.

I've booked a gorgeous and ultra-affordable cave-like bedroom in a small, but ambient looking, 2 b.r. AirBnB, staying with the resident art-inspired eco-chick host, across the main river in the quiet part of Guidecca. I'll be catching the Vaporetta (water-craft) over to San Marco each day, so it should be magic. Even though I'll have seven nights there, I'll be spending three full days at the conference and one day on an independent theatre research excursion to Vicenza and Padova, so I'll actually only have two full days free in Venice for exploration. I've already booked a street market and foodie tour for the morning of my first full day there. But there's so much to squeeze in to the remaining 1.5 days I'll have free!

I want to visit Doge's Palace, St Marks Square Museum & Bascilica, Palazzo Ducale, Museo Correr, Museo Archeologico Nationale and the Peggy Guggenheim Collection, not to mention a bunch of other sites which I am obviously not likely to be able to see at all, let alone scratch the surface of. Last time I was there, I just wandered around oblivious to these wonders, as a backpacker does at 19. I certainly absorbed the street and canal ambience, on a philosophical level, but only took a few steps into the entrance of the Basilica! So, anyway, this time I am doing my research and will cram in as much as I can.

I'll arrive at my Venice pad at about 3pm, and I should be bright as a bunny, as I'm only flying in from Copenhagen which is meant to be a relatively swift flight. But then again, I've travelled enough to know how often things that seem simple in principle go pear-shaped in practice! When I eventually reach my destination, it's in a teeny weeny alley, the width of just one average framed human body. It is such a treat to have Google Earth which enables perspective on where one is staying. On some level, it dilutes the surprise element, but on another it offers just enough certainty to alleviate silly worries.

I have so much prep work to do, and it's less than four months away, so I figure blogging is a good way to rev myself up, make it all the more real and motivate myself to tick all of those 'to do' boxes prior to departure. I just hope my readers enjoy sharing the journey with me!

Time for New Adventures

I haven't updated this blog since 2016, but as it's now less than four months til my next overseas adventure, I figure it's time to recommence my 'blah blah' ...

On 31 May I fly to Denmark, of all places. It's not somewhere that's ever been on my A, or even B, list, but when opportunity strikes, one must run with it. A very good friend from my teenage years, who grew up to be a banker, lives there now, as her hub is a banker, and they have a contract to work in Copenhagen for a few years. As chance has it, I happened to attend a seminar in Melbourne recently on all the museums of Copenhagen, of which there are an astonishing amount. I therefore feel confident there will be much for me to occupy myself with while my friends work their day jobs. They have a guest room with an en suite, in which they are kindly accomodating me, and I'm feeling very excited and privileged to be able to spend 5 nights with them. This will enable me to get through my initial jet-lag, and catch up with them in the evenings, while visiting museums galore and a palace or two during the daytimes.

After that, I'll fly with Scandinavian Airways to Venice for a week. That's the whole point of the trip, and the reason I'm going, so I'll write more about that rationale soon.

I last visited Venice in December 1985, as a solo backpacker, so it's been a while. .. When I eventually leave Venice by train, I'll spend two nights in Verona, two nights in Bergamo and three nights in Milano. Just a 3 week trip away, from tip to toe, but it should be good. Better than good, in fact! A professional development trip, basically, and a rare chance for 'time alone'.

Having recently survived a 'big' birthday, I also figure it'll be a belated milestone birthday treat, and very good for the soul. I have no doubt that it will be amazing, and I am sincerely thrilled to be able to do this thing. More deets to follow ...

What am I doing in Venezia?

I'm taking a three week solo trip to Denmark and Northern Italia this June. It will be early Summer up there, and therefore not too tour...