Monday, 5 February 2018

Time for New Adventures

I haven't updated this blog since 2016, but as it's now less than four months til my next overseas adventure, I figure it's time to recommence my 'blah blah' ...

On 31 May I fly to Denmark, of all places. It's not somewhere that's ever been on my A, or even B, list, but when opportunity strikes, one must run with it. A very good friend from my teenage years, who grew up to be a banker, lives there now, as her hub is a banker, and they have a contract to work in Copenhagen for a few years. As chance has it, I happened to attend a seminar in Melbourne recently on all the museums of Copenhagen, of which there are an astonishing amount. I therefore feel confident there will be much for me to occupy myself with while my friends work their day jobs. They have a guest room with an en suite, in which they are kindly accomodating me, and I'm feeling very excited and privileged to be able to spend 5 nights with them. This will enable me to get through my initial jet-lag, and catch up with them in the evenings, while visiting museums galore and a palace or two during the daytimes.

After that, I'll fly with Scandinavian Airways to Venice for a week. That's the whole point of the trip, and the reason I'm going, so I'll write more about that rationale soon.

I last visited Venice in December 1985, as a solo backpacker, so it's been a while. .. When I eventually leave Venice by train, I'll spend two nights in Verona, two nights in Bergamo and three nights in Milano. Just a 3 week trip away, from tip to toe, but it should be good. Better than good, in fact! A professional development trip, basically, and a rare chance for 'time alone'.

Having recently survived a 'big' birthday, I also figure it'll be a belated milestone birthday treat, and very good for the soul. I have no doubt that it will be amazing, and I am sincerely thrilled to be able to do this thing. More deets to follow ...

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What am I doing in Venezia?

I'm taking a three week solo trip to Denmark and Northern Italia this June. It will be early Summer up there, and therefore not too tour...